Breaking the Mold: Why Just Mortgages' Shift to Smartr365 Raises Questions

Exploring the unconventional decision of Just Mortgages to transition to the Smartr365 platform and the potential implications for the mortgage industry. Delve into the human-centric perspective in a tech-driven world.
Breaking the Mold: Why Just Mortgages' Shift to Smartr365 Raises Questions

Embracing Tradition: Why Just Mortgages Made the Wrong Move

As the mortgage industry hurtles towards a tech-dominated future, one company has made a surprising choice that goes against the grain. Just Mortgages, a well-established player with a large team of over 650 brokers, recently announced its transition to the Smartr365 platform. This move, touted as a step towards operational efficiency and improved customer service, has left me questioning the wisdom behind such a decision.

The Human Touch

In an era where automation and AI are heralded as the saviors of productivity, Just Mortgages’ pivot to Smartr365 seems like a departure from the personal touch that defines the mortgage advisory process. As a firm believer in the power of human connection, I can’t help but wonder if the move to a tech-centric platform will erode the bespoke service that clients have come to expect.

Lost in Translation

The Smartr365 system, with its promise of time-saving features and streamlined workflows, may inadvertently sacrifice the nuanced understanding and tailored advice that only a human advisor can provide. While the allure of efficiency is undeniable, the risk of losing the art of personalized guidance looms large.

A Different Perspective

John Phillips, the CEO of Just Mortgages, lauds the benefits of Smartr365’s suite of services and its seamless integration with lenders. However, in a landscape where differentiation is key, could this move towards homogenization be a misstep? By aligning with a platform used by many others, Just Mortgages may dilute its unique value proposition and blend into the sea of sameness.

The Road Less Traveled

Conor Murphy, CEO of Smartr365, paints a rosy picture of enhanced efficiency and convenience for Just Mortgages brokers. But what about the intangible qualities that set a brokerage apart? The camaraderie, the individualized attention, the sense of belonging - are these at risk of being overshadowed by the allure of automation?

In a world enamored with the shiny allure of technology, perhaps the true innovation lies in preserving the human element. Just Mortgages’ decision to embrace tradition in a sea of digital disruption may prove to be a masterstroke in an industry racing towards an uncertain future.


As I reflect on Just Mortgages’ bold move, I am reminded of the enduring value of human connection in an increasingly digitized world. While the allure of automation is strong, the soul of the mortgage industry lies in the personal relationships forged between advisor and client. In a landscape where change is constant, perhaps the greatest innovation is staying true to the timeless principles that underpin our industry.