FIBA and Grant Thornton Join Forces to Shape the Future of Financial Services

FIBA announces a new partnership with Grant Thornton's Financial Services Deals Team, providing members with access to expertise in M&A trends, deal structures, and valuations.
FIBA and Grant Thornton Join Forces to Shape the Future of Financial Services

FIBA and Grant Thornton: A New Partnership for the Financial Services Sector

The Financial Intermediary & Broker Association (FIBA), part of SimplyBiz, has recently announced a new partnership with Grant Thornton’s Financial Services Deals Team. This partnership is set to provide FIBA members with access to Grant Thornton’s integrated, multidisciplinary Deals Team, which boasts a wealth of knowledge in the specialist finance sector.

Image: Financial Services

As a leading Deals Practice in the UK, Grant Thornton’s team has a deep understanding of current M&A trends, deal structures, and valuations. In fact, Grant Thornton’s UK Deals Practice has been ranked number one in London and number two nationally on Experian’s M&A report 2023. This expertise will undoubtedly be a valuable asset to FIBA members.

“We are pleased to welcome Grant Thornton, and the calibre of assistance it is able to provide, to our lender panel and members looking for support across their services in this sector.” - Martin Reynolds, chair of FIBA

The partnership is expected to facilitate education and a deeper comprehension of the specialist finance sector. FIBA members will have the opportunity to tap into Grant Thornton’s sector and M&A insights, which will undoubtedly be beneficial in navigating the complex financial landscape.

M&A Trends

Simon Blackburn, head of financial services M&A in Grant Thornton’s corporate finance practice, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, stating, “Grant Thornton’s Financial Services Deals practice has a long history of working with the owners and managers of specialist lenders and intermediaries.”

The current M&A landscape has been subdued in recent years due to the impact of COVID-19, rising inflation, and interest rates. However, with interest rates appearing to have stabilised and market optimism on the rise, appetite for M&A is returning. This partnership is well-timed, as it will provide FIBA members with the necessary support and guidance to capitalise on emerging opportunities.

Financial Services Deals

As the financial services sector continues to evolve, partnerships like this one will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry. By combining their expertise, FIBA and Grant Thornton are poised to make a significant impact on the sector.

Financial Services Sector

In conclusion, the partnership between FIBA and Grant Thornton is a significant development in the financial services sector. As the industry continues to navigate the complexities of the current market, this partnership will undoubtedly provide a valuable source of support and guidance for FIBA members.