Hilco Real Estate Finance Joins the ASTL

Hilco Real Estate Finance joins the Association of Short-Term Lenders, demonstrating its commitment to promoting high professional standards within the sector.
Hilco Real Estate Finance Joins the ASTL

Hilco Real Estate Finance Joins the ASTL

The Association of Short-Term Lenders (ASTL) has welcomed Hilco Real Estate Finance (HREF) as its latest lender member. HREF provides property finance solutions across various real estate sectors and capital structures, offering short-term loans for growth, acquisition opportunities, development exits, and refinancing exits with loan sizes ranging from £1m to over £50m and loan-to-values (LTVs) up to 75%.

Image: UK property market

The ASTL, which is the only trade association dedicated to representing the interests of short-term lenders and their customers, now has 45 lender members and 44 associate members. Vic Jannels, CEO of the ASTL, expressed his delight in welcoming HREF as the latest lender to join the ASTL.

“Our membership is now at the highest level it has ever been, which is a testament to the increasing importance and reputation of the bridging and development lending sector.”

Adrian Hogan, director at Hilco Real Estate Finance, emphasized the importance of playing an active role in the sector as they continue to grow their presence in the short-term mortgage lending market in the UK.

“Already, our flexible approach and ability to assess each borrower’s scenario on its individual merits is resulting in a strong pipeline of lends.”

Image: Hilco Real Estate Finance

HREF’s membership in the ASTL is a significant milestone, as it demonstrates the company’s commitment to the organization’s code of conduct and its dedication to promoting high professional standards within the sector.

“Membership requires a comprehensive audit to make certain that new members are committed to the organization’s code of conduct, and we’re proud to count ourselves among its number.”

As a member of the ASTL, HREF will work alongside other members to promote the values of the organization and support high professional standards within the sector.

“We’re proud to join forces with our peers to promote the values of the ASTL and support high professional standards within the sector.”