Mortgage-Free in the Caribbean: A 22-Year-Old's Dream Come True

Meet Alex Cassidy, a 22-year-old musician who built his own one-bedroom home in Tobago for just £3,000, and now lives mortgage-free in the Caribbean.
Mortgage-Free in the Caribbean: A 22-Year-Old's Dream Come True

Mortgage-Free in the Caribbean: A 22-Year-Old’s Dream Come True

Alex Cassidy, a 22-year-old musician, has achieved what many of us can only dream of: living mortgage-free in a beautiful Caribbean island. The young man built his own one-bedroom home on land owned by his stepdad in Tobago, and now spends six months a year soaking up the sun and enjoying the laid-back lifestyle.

Relaxing in Tobago

The idea struck Alex when he realized that the cost of building a house in Tobago was a fraction of what it would be in the UK. He spent just £3,000 on the entire build, a far cry from the £300,000 he would have needed to spend in the UK. And the best part? He now lives mortgage-free, with only £130 to spend on electricity, water, and Wi-Fi every three months.

‘I’ve got my own privacy. I bought my freedom.’ - Alex Cassidy

The House That Alex Built

Alex’s journey began in January 2023, when he started collecting materials for his dream home. With the help of local tradespeople, he spent three months building his one-bedroom home, which features an open-plan living area, kitchen, and bathroom. The plumbing cost him £120, and the electricity setup £150 – a far cry from the £3,000 to £4,000 it would have cost in the UK.

Alex’s one-bedroom home in Tobago

The Realization

Alex said that the realization of his dream didn’t hit him until he was putting the final touches to the house. ‘The realisation hit me. I have a home. This is mine,’ he said. And it’s a feeling he wouldn’t trade for anything.

‘I’d rather live here than a £300,000 house I have to pay for for 35 years on a mortgage.’ - Alex Cassidy

A Life of Freedom

Alex spends his summers gigging with his stepdad in the Isle of Wight, but escapes to Tobago for the winter months. He earns a below-average wage, but his low expenses mean he can live comfortably without breaking the bank. And he’s not lonely – he’s always meeting new people and enjoying the vibrant nightlife of Tobago.

Tobago’s vibrant nightlife

Alex’s story is an inspiration to anyone feeling trapped by the UK’s high cost of living. With a little creativity and determination, it’s possible to achieve the dream of living mortgage-free in a beautiful location.