Mortgage Lenders and Investors Look to the Future with Optimism

The UK's financial services sector is poised for growth, with lenders and investors expressing increased optimism about the future. OSB Group celebrates its volunteering achievements for Volunteers Week 2024, while UK Finance releases its financial services manifesto.
Mortgage Lenders and Investors Look to the Future with Optimism

Mortgage Lenders and Investors Look to the Future with Optimism

The UK’s financial services sector is poised for growth, with lenders and investors expressing increased optimism about the future. According to a recent survey by Savills, lender and investor sentiment has improved compared to 12 months ago, with respondents more likely to lend and invest in the living sectors, residential development, and prime logistics.

UK Finance releases financial services manifesto

The survey also revealed that sentiment around pricing has improved across all property sectors compared to last year. Nick Harris, Savills head of UK and cross-border valuation, noted that positive sentiment is returning, with the living sectors, residential development, and prime logistics most favoured by the London lender and investor community.

OSB Group Celebrates Volunteers Week 2024

Meanwhile, OSB Group is celebrating its volunteering achievements for Volunteers Week 2024. By the end of May, colleagues have logged over 1,700 hours of volunteering in 2024, equating to 243 working days of support for their communities in 46 organisations across the UK. OSB Group is committed to “being better neighbours” through the donation of time, skills, and expertise of its colleagues.

OSB Group celebrates Volunteers Week 2024

Victoria Bladon, an underwriter at OSB Group, has organised 177 hours of volunteering support for Friends of Di’s Kitchen, a food bank in Wolverhampton. She also manages the relationship between colleagues and the organisation and organises regular food donations to the charity.

UK Finance Releases Financial Services Manifesto

UK Finance has unveiled its financial services manifesto, highlighting key priorities for the next Government. The manifesto outlines the policy agenda the sector would like to see taken forward post-election, and through working in partnership with the Government, aims to build a better society for all.

UK Finance releases financial services manifesto

The manifesto proposes supporting people and businesses by reviewing personal savings allowances, delivering financial education through the school curriculum, and establishing a cross-government taskforce to tackle financial abuse.

As the UK’s financial services sector looks to the future, there is a sense of optimism in the air. With lenders and investors expressing increased confidence, and initiatives like OSB Group’s volunteering programme and UK Finance’s financial services manifesto, the sector is poised for growth and development.