Mortgage Lenders Expect a Boom in Lending: What's Driving the Surge?

UK mortgage lenders are expecting a surge in lending over the coming months, driven by a strengthening of both supply and demand in the housing market.
Mortgage Lenders Expect a Boom in Lending: What's Driving the Surge?

Mortgage Lenders Expect a Boom in Lending

As the UK housing market continues to recover, mortgage lenders are expecting a significant pickup in lending over the coming months. According to a recent survey by the Bank of England, a net balance of 19% of lenders are anticipating an increase in mortgage supply in the next quarter - the highest reading since early 2021.

The UK housing market is on the upswing

This surge in lending is expected to be driven by a strengthening of both supply and demand. Lenders are optimistic that the housing market will continue to recover, and this confidence is reflected in their expectations for the coming months.

“The housing market is finally starting to show signs of life after a tumultuous few years,” said a mortgage broker I spoke to recently. “It’s a great time to be a buyer or seller, and lenders are taking notice.”

However, amidst the optimism, lenders are also bracing themselves for a potential rise in default rates for both secured and unsecured credit. This caution is understandable, given the uncertainty that still surrounds the UK economy.

Mortgage applications are on the rise

As someone who has been following the mortgage market for years, I’m heartened to see lenders taking a more optimistic view. It’s a sign that the market is finally starting to heal, and that buyers and sellers are regaining confidence.

Of course, there are still risks on the horizon. But for now, it’s a great time to be a homeowner - or to be thinking of becoming one.

The Road Ahead

So what does the future hold for the mortgage market? If lenders’ expectations are anything to go by, it looks like we’re in for a busy few months. With demand for mortgages on the rise, it’s likely that we’ll see more competitive rates and products emerging in the coming weeks.

Mortgage rates are expected to become more competitive

As the market continues to evolve, one thing is clear: it’s an exciting time to be involved in the mortgage industry. Whether you’re a lender, a broker, or simply a homeowner, there’s plenty to be optimistic about.


The Bank of England’s survey is a welcome dose of optimism in an industry that’s been through its fair share of ups and downs. As lenders look to the future with renewed confidence, it’s clear that the mortgage market is finally starting to find its footing.

The UK housing market is poised for growth

And that’s a great thing for all of us.