Mortgage Madness: The Chaotic Dance of Mortgage Products in April 2024

A humorous take on the surge of mortgage products in April 2024, highlighting the chaos and opportunities in the market.
Mortgage Madness: The Chaotic Dance of Mortgage Products in April 2024

Mortgage Mayhem: The Great Mortgage Product Bonanza

In a surprising turn of events, mortgage borrowers found themselves in a whirlwind of options at the beginning of April. The availability of mortgage products skyrocketed to levels not witnessed since 2008, leaving many in a state of bewilderment. While the sheer number of choices may seem like a dream come true, the reality paints a different picture.

Soaring SVRs and the Urgent Need for Change

As the dust settled, it became apparent that the average standard variable rate (SVR) mortgage had surged above 8%, sounding alarm bells for borrowers. The urgent call to action was clear - secure a new, more affordable deal before it’s too late. According to the financial gurus at Moneyfacts, the typical SVR now hovers at a staggering 8.18%, creeping dangerously close to the highest level ever recorded by the firm.

The Product Plenitude

Moneyfacts revealed that a whopping 6,307 mortgage options flooded the market at the start of April, encompassing both fixed and variable deals. This avalanche of choices marks a significant milestone, reminiscent of the glory days of 2008 when mortgage products reigned supreme. Among the plethora of options, 335 deals catered to those with a 5% deposit, the largest selection in nearly two years.

A Silver Lining for Some

For borrowers with a 10% deposit, the horizon seemed brighter as the variety of deals reached levels unseen since the dark days of the pandemic lockdowns. A total of 774 deals beckoned to those with a 10% deposit, offering a glimmer of hope in an otherwise tumultuous market.

Rachel Springall’s Insights

Rachel Springall, the financial oracle at Moneyfacts, chimed in on the situation, stating, ‘These are encouraging signs for borrowers concerned about rising interest rates and the short window of opportunity to secure a new deal.’ Her words of wisdom shed light on the importance of seizing the moment in the ever-changing landscape of mortgages.

The Changing Tides

Despite the chaos, there is a silver lining for borrowers. The average two and five-year fixed rates have dipped compared to the beginning of the year, offering a ray of hope to those navigating the turbulent waters of mortgage decisions.

The Future of Mortgages

As the market continues to evolve, the growth in choice bodes well for first-time buyers, providing a glimmer of hope in their quest for an affordable property. With over 16 years of data, the current landscape offers a beacon of light in an otherwise uncertain world.


In conclusion, the mortgage market may be experiencing a period of upheaval, but within the chaos lies opportunity. Borrowers are urged to stay informed, seize the moment, and navigate the ever-changing landscape with caution and optimism.