Mortgage Payments at Risk: Labour Warns of Soaring Interest Rates

Labour warns that the Conservative party's spending plans could send mortgage payments soaring and plunge the UK back into recession.
Mortgage Payments at Risk: Labour Warns of Soaring Interest Rates

Mortgage Payments at Risk: Labour Warns of Soaring Interest Rates

The Conservative party’s spending plans have been labelled ‘kamikaze’ by Labour, who warn that they could send mortgage payments soaring and plunge the UK back into recession.

The Cost of Chaos

Shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones, has warned that the country cannot afford five more years of the Tories. Labour has claimed that the party has promised £71 billion of unfunded spending commitments, which could result in a 2.5 percentage point hike to interest rates. This, in turn, could hit monthly mortgage payments on a typical home by £350.

Economic uncertainty looms large

A Lesson Not Learned

Referring to ex-PM Liz Truss’s disastrous mini-Budget, Jones said: ‘This is not ancient history or theory from a textbook. This is what we all went through as a country less than two years ago, with Liz Truss’s kamikaze Budget being followed by Rishi Sunak’s kamikaze manifesto.’ He warned that the Conservatives have simply not learned the lesson and are doing it all over again, with their behaviour being ’economy crashing, family finance destroying madness’.

The UK parliament in session

A Warning to Homeowners

Labour’s warning comes as a stark reminder to homeowners of the potential risks of unfunded spending commitments. With interest rates already on the rise, the prospect of a further hike could have devastating consequences for those with mortgages.

Mortgage payments could soar

The UK economy is still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, and the last thing it needs is another recession. It is imperative that the government takes a responsible approach to spending and ensures that the country’s finances are managed sustainably.

Economic uncertainty ahead