Navigating Later Life Lending: Empowering Advisers for 2024 and Beyond

Discover how Legal & General Home Finance is facilitating crucial conversations for advisers in the later life lending sector through a series of informative events across the UK in 2024.
Navigating Later Life Lending: Empowering Advisers for 2024 and Beyond
Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Empowering Advisers in Later Life Lending: Join the Conversation!

As the UK faces a growing demographic of over-55 homeowners, the dynamics of later life lending are evolving rapidly. In this pivotal moment, Legal & General Home Finance is stepping up to host a series of free adviser events across the UK in 2024. Dubbed The Later Life Lending Collaboration, these events aim to demystify the later life lending sector while enriching advisers with the knowledge they need to support their clients effectively.

Engaging events on later life lending await advisers across the UK.

Taking place in major cities such as Glasgow, Leeds, Coventry, and Swindon, these co-hosted events will foster collaboration among key players in the industry. Renowned names like Air Later Life, Hodge, Standard Life Home Finance, LiveMore, and Family Building Society will join forces, bringing a wealth of expertise and insight to the sessions.

One of the highlights of these gatherings is the strong emphasis on education. The sessions, which are CPD accredited, will tackle prevalent myths surrounding later life lending while also highlighting the potential opportunities that arise during significant life events. This approach underscores the importance of quality advice in navigating these waters.

Marie Catch, the head of mortgage market development & optimisation at Legal & General, will present findings from recent research focusing on financial fairness in divorce. This topic resonates deeply with many stakeholders in the later life lending sector and promises to spark critical discussions.

A Rich Tapestry of Insights

Adding another layer of depth, keynote speaker Jon Dunckley, a qualified consultant in psychology and financial services, will explore the intricate adviser-client relationship. Through his analysis, advisers will gain insights into how minor adjustments can lead to profound conversations that could significantly impact their clients’ lives.

Equity Release Council’s chief executive, Jim Boyd, noted,

“With a host of different pressures facing over-55 homeowners, more conversations are taking place than ever before about how they can best manage their borrowing, enjoy their retirement and support their families.”

His observations highlight a crucial facet of the forthcoming events: the necessity for ongoing dialogue between advisers and clients. The challenges facing mature homeowners are manifold—be it securing finances for retirement or ensuring stability for family members—and tackling these issues is paramount.

Understanding the adviser-client dynamic is crucial to effective support in later life lending.

While some may feel overwhelmed by the complexities of later life lending, these meet-ups are designed to empower advisers. Education is a constant theme here, and the equity release landscape is burgeoning with new opportunities. The burgeoning interest in later life lending necessitates that advisers are well-versed in current trends, regulations, and practices to provide robust support to their clientele.

Mark Your Calendars!

The events are scheduled to occur on the following dates:

  • Glasgow: May 21
  • Leeds: June 4
  • Coventry: June 5
  • Swindon: June 6

These events are open to all advisers, and I urge those in the industry to seize this opportunity. Whether you are directly involved in later life lending or simply looking to expand your knowledge on the subject, attending these sessions will likely be beneficial. Knowledge sharing, particularly regarding challenges and viable solutions, is more critical now than it has ever been.

Moreover, as the landscape of equity release continues to shift, embracing the opportunities for professional growth is essential. Attending these events will not only provide valuable insights but could also pave the way for renewed collaboration within the sector.

In conclusion, initiatives like the Later Life Lending Collaboration play an instrumental role in preparing advisers for the complexities of the current market. By fostering conversations and offering educational resources, we can equip ourselves to better serve our clients, ensuring that the over-55 community receives the best possible support as they navigate their financial futures.

Supporting homeowners aged 55 and over is essential in today’s financial landscape.

This is a moment for advisers to come together, learn from one another, and take active steps toward empowering their clients through informed, thoughtful engagement. Let’s transform the challenges into opportunities, here in the UK, for later life lending.