Simplifying the Buy-to-Let Mortgage Landscape

Paragon Bank simplifies its buy-to-let mortgage range, making it easier for brokers to find the right mortgage for their landlord clients.
Simplifying the Buy-to-Let Mortgage Landscape

Simplifying the Buy-to-Let Mortgage Landscape

As a mortgage expert, I’ve often found myself navigating the complex world of buy-to-let (BTL) mortgages. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming for landlords and brokers alike. That’s why I was thrilled to hear about Paragon Bank’s recent efforts to simplify their BTL product range.

A Simpler Approach

Paragon Bank has taken a bold step in removing the differentiation between portfolio and non-portfolio landlords. This move is a game-changer, allowing brokers to quickly identify the most suitable mortgage for their landlord clients from the outset. Gone are the days of pouring over lengthy product guides, trying to make sense of the various options.

Streamlined mortgage options for a smoother experience

The lender has also reduced its product guides from nine to three, making it easier for brokers to find the information they need. This streamlined approach is a welcome change, and one that I believe will make a significant difference in the industry.

A Better Online Experience

Paragon Bank has also updated its website, making it easier for brokers to find the information they need. The new design is cleaner and more intuitive, with important details readily available. This is a huge plus for brokers, who can now quickly access the information they need to advise their clients.

A cleaner, more intuitive online experience

A Commitment to Improvement

According to Louisa Sedgewick, commercial director at Paragon Bank, the simplification of their BTL product range was driven by conversations with brokers and a commitment to challenging the status quo. This dedication to improvement is something that I believe will resonate with brokers and landlords alike.

Paragon Bank’s commitment to improvement

In conclusion, Paragon Bank’s efforts to simplify their BTL product range are a welcome change in the industry. By streamlining their mortgage options and improving their online experience, they’re making it easier for brokers to do business with them. As a mortgage expert, I’m excited to see the impact this will have on the industry as a whole.