The Great British Sex Drought: Would You Give Up Sex for a Year to Own a Home?

The UK's housing crisis is driving young people to desperate measures - including giving up sex for a year. But is owning a home really worth the sacrifice?
The Great British Sex Drought: Would You Give Up Sex for a Year to Own a Home?
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash

The Great British Sex Drought

It’s no secret that the UK is in the midst of a housing crisis. With prices skyrocketing and wages stagnating, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for young people to get their foot on the property ladder. But just how far would you go to own a home? According to a recent survey, over a quarter of Brits would give up sex for an entire year if it meant they could afford a house deposit.

The UK housing market is in crisis

The survey, conducted by audio erotica platform Bloom Stories, found that 27% of respondents would sacrifice their sex lives for 12 months if it meant they could afford a home. And it’s not just a few rogue respondents - the trend holds true across the board, with 50% of Gen Z respondents saying they’d gladly give up sex for a year if it meant they could own a home.

Gen Z is willing to sacrifice sex for a home

But why are young people so desperate to own a home? The answer lies in the numbers. According to the National Centre for Social Research, 80% of Gen Z are desperate to own a property. And with the average Londoner needing 37.5 years to save a 10% deposit, it’s no wonder they’re willing to make sacrifices.

The London housing market is particularly tough

Of course, not everyone is willing to give up sex for a home. 45% of men said they couldn’t live without intercourse for a year, regardless of the reason. And 23% of women felt the same way. But for those who are willing to make the sacrifice, it’s clear that owning a home is a top priority.

Sex vs home: what would you choose?

So what does this say about our society? Are we so obsessed with owning a home that we’re willing to give up one of life’s greatest pleasures? Or is this just a sign of the times - a reflection of the desperation and frustration that many young people feel when it comes to the housing market?

Frustration with the housing market is at an all-time high

Whatever the reason, it’s clear that the UK’s housing crisis is having a profound impact on our lives. And if giving up sex for a year is what it takes to own a home, then so be it. After all, as the saying goes, ‘you can’t put a price on love’ - but it seems you can put a price on a house.