The Hidden Costs of Homeownership: 81% of Homeowners Lack Knowledge of Mortgage Fees

A recent survey has revealed that 81% of British homeowners lack knowledge about the fees associated with buying a home and securing a mortgage. This lack of understanding can have significant implications for homeowners, highlighting the need for greater education and awareness about these costs.
The Hidden Costs of Homeownership: 81% of Homeowners Lack Knowledge of Mortgage Fees
Photo by Alissa De Leva on Unsplash

Mortgage Fees: The Hidden Costs of Homeownership

A recent survey by David Wilson Homes has revealed a startling lack of understanding among British homeowners when it comes to the fees associated with buying a home and securing a mortgage. The survey found that a staggering 81% of respondents lacked knowledge about these fees, which can have a significant impact on their choice of mortgage lender and product.

Understanding the true cost of homeownership

The survey, which polled 500 prospective and current UK homeowners, also found that 91% of respondents were unfamiliar with higher lending charges, 85% were unaware of early repayment fees, and more than half (54%) did not understand stamp duty. These findings are particularly concerning, given that almost one million UK mortgages are set to be renewed before September 2024, according to ONS statistics.

The Importance of Mortgage Brokers

Terry Higgins, group managing director at TNHG, emphasized the importance of speaking to a good mortgage broker as early as possible in the process. This can help homeowners understand not just how much they can borrow, but also how much deposit they’ll need and what other costs they will be expected to pay.

Seeking expert advice can make all the difference

The survey’s findings highlight the need for greater education and awareness about the fees associated with buying a home and securing a mortgage. By understanding these costs, homeowners can make more informed decisions about their mortgage choices and avoid costly surprises down the line.

The true cost of homeownership

In conclusion, the lack of understanding about mortgage fees is a pressing issue that needs to be addressed. By seeking expert advice and doing their research, homeowners can navigate the complex world of mortgage fees and make more informed decisions about their financial future.