Why the UK Needs a More Competitive Economy

A leading international trade expert calls for a more competitive economy and queries the lack of 30-year fixed mortgage rates in the UK.
Why the UK Needs a More Competitive Economy
Photo by Derrick Treadwell on Unsplash

Why the UK Needs a More Competitive Economy

As I sat down to write this article, I couldn’t help but think about the state of our economy. We often hear about the importance of competition, but what does that really mean? For Shanker Singham, a leading international trade expert and former adviser to the UK Secretary of State for International Trade, the answer is clear: we need a much more competitive economy.

“There’s a lot of discussion about 99 per cent mortgages, well, the question we have to ask ourselves, is why is it that in most other countries in the world, the idea of a fixed rate mortgage for 30 years is normal. Why do we not have that here?” Singham asked in a recent interview with GB News.

It’s a question that gets to the heart of our economic system. Why do we settle for shorter-term mortgage deals when other countries offer long-term stability? It’s a question that has far-reaching implications for our economy and our way of life.

Mortgage rates: why can’t we have long-term stability like other countries?

The answer, of course, is complex. But one thing is clear: our economy needs a shake-up. We need to think about the effect of our economic policies on competition. We need to ask ourselves, are we doing enough to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship?

Competition: the key to a thriving economy

One company that’s trying to shake things up is Perenna, a start-up bank that’s offering 30-year fixed mortgage rates. It’s a bold move, and one that could have far-reaching implications for our economy.

Perenna: leading the way in long-term mortgage deals

As I reflect on our economy, I’m reminded of my own experiences. I’ve lived in countries where long-term mortgage deals are the norm. I’ve seen firsthand how it can bring stability and security to families and individuals. And I’ve wondered, why can’t we have that here?

Stability: the key to a thriving economy

The answer, of course, is complex. But one thing is clear: we need to think differently about our economy. We need to think about the effect of our policies on competition. We need to ask ourselves, are we doing enough to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship?

Innovation: the key to a thriving economy

As I finish writing this article, I’m left with more questions than answers. But one thing is clear: we need to think differently about our economy. We need to think about the effect of our policies on competition. And we need to ask ourselves, are we doing enough to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship?

The economy: it’s time for a change